Div element:
Div elements divide your page by enclosing other elements. These enclosed groups of elements can then be organized, moved and styled independently from one another.
<div class="main"> ...</div>
Metadata processes:
<!DOCTYPE html> // Tells the web browser to expect an HTML document.
<html>...</html> // The root of the HTML document and parent of all other HTML elements on the webpage.
<head>...</head> // Enclose other metadata about the site, such as its title.
<title>...</title> // Contains the site's title, which is one way users can find your site through a search engine, like Google.
<meta charset="utf-8”/> // Tells the web browser which character set to use. In this case, the character set is "utf-8".
stands for cascading style sheets, and is used to style HTML elements. 用層疊的概念做網頁元素的風格設計。
HTML elements:
* h1-h6: <h1>Heading</h1> 數字越小,字越大,通常用在標頭
* p: <p>Description of company here.</p>在標頭以外,文章或描述片段的時候使用
* a:
<a href="http://codecademy.com">Click here</a> to learn how to make a website! a是Anchor(錨)的縮寫,用在外部網頁連結上
* video: 影片
* unordered list:
<li>list item</li>
<li>another item</li>
<li>yet another</li>
</ul> // 未排序的清單
* div: 拿來整理所有HTML元素並且使用class的屬性,並且需取名字
<div class="main">